Next Generation Data Governance
Data Llama lets you capture and manage metadata about all the data assets available to your enterprise and to link it all together to form a consolidated and comprehensive Enterprise Data Landscape Map.
You can use Data Llama to import data structure and format definitions, to define lineage and semantic relationships, to drill down from high level diagrams to low level detail about data structures, to create a comprehensive business ontology, and much more ...
Data Llama Features
Data Llama provides a comprehensive range of features that help you get control of the data sprawl in you enterprise.
Draw data flow diagrams that document the high-level movement of data throughout your enterprise.
Define your core business concepts and language using taxonomies, hierarchies, glossaries, dictionaries and more.
Document the structure of every data asset available to your enterprise, from RDBMS to XML/JSON to directory structures, etc.
Define associations between any two metadata objects in your Enterprise Landscape. Create custom association types.
Create custom forms to capture any sort of information you require about your data assets. The data captured is fully searchable.
Discover through AI processing, or define manually, the lineage of data from source to presentation layer and everywhere in between.
Download the free distribution of Data Llama for Linux and start the journey towards full visibility of all your data assets.
SonarQube source code scanning
SHA256 checksum verification
The source code for Data Llama is licensed under GPLv3 and can be cloned from our public BitBucket repository
Our Team
Data Llama was founded in Australia in January 2018 by a group of IT data professionals who had a common vision to provide a Next Generation Data Governance toolset that would be available to all enterprises for free.
Contributor - Full Stack
Contributor - DevOps
Contributor - Database
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